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IFX Group


Original IPAD-OS Hardware Details

The following pages contain detailed and previously undocumented information about the original hardware used in the IPAD model 1200 and IPAD model 2500 produced by eSoft, Inc. These models were designed to use hardware configured specifically to work with the internal plug-and-play system. This was a very limited list of hardware and much of it has since become obsolete. It is documented here both for historical purposes and to help those still using the older IPAD-OS systems.

  • IPAD Model 1200
    - This page has details about all of the original system configuration and optional Expansion hardware for the original eSoft IPAD model 1200 systems.

  • IPAD Model 2500
    - This page has details about all of the original system configuration and optional Expansion hardware for the original eSoft IPAD model 2500 systems.

It is important to note there is no warranty for the information contained on these pages. We have tried our best to gather this information from reliable sources, but this does not mean the accuracy is perfect.

The IPAD Owners Association, Inc. is currently offering significantly updated and more modern hardware for the IPAD model 2500. This new hardware is a minimum of 6 times faster and requires about a third of the electricity of any IPAD model made by eSoft. It also provides a platform for supporting new interface hardware not possible in the older systems. Visit www.OneBoxSolution.com for more information about the new IPAD 2500 system, prices and availability.

First published 2006-12-31. The last major review or update of this information was on 2011-04-07. Your feedback using the form below helps us correct errors and omissions on this page.